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How being inactive on Medium affects views

I am publishing on Medium since 2018. I am not a very active writer on the platform and I have my high and low seasons as a content creator. Since September 2022, I opted-in for the Medium Partner Program to motivate myself and earn some money for my effort.

In the first 6 months of 2023, I have published 12 articles some were free some were member-only. During june my productivity started to fall, and I did not publish all July and August.

Apparently this inactivity is also reflected on the view numbers. Even my very successful -in my terms- and revenue generating post stopped generating anything at all.

Below you can see how drastically the earnings change when I slowed down. And note that some of the earnings are coming from Referrals.

During my “high” season where I was publishing around 2 articles per month, I was getting around 100 views per day average and I was not doing a great marketing. I was just sending a link to Twitter and LinkedIn about the post I just published.

When I started to create less, I see the instant effect on the statistics. My articles were being visited less and less everyday, but still it was ok-ish. And I knew the high season will arrive again.

After two months of radio silence, statistics dropped a bit more and even though there are some visits and reads to the articles. They almost stopped generating the revenue. I think this is also related to revenue sharing changes Medium did in July. They rightfully want to share their revenue with active writers.

What’s next for me

Well, first of all I love knowledge sharing and content creation. So I will stay on this platform, I will still have high and low seasons so my statistics will fluctuate I will accept this.

But I can take a few precautions like writing and saving drafts during high seasons for low seasons. So I can have a more balanced writing schedule. This way you can also expect a more consistent publish schedule from me.

If you like my posts, follow me for the future ones. Also I am adding a few below which might be interesting for you. Thanks for reading so far!

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